
In The Machines Arena "Teams" are a fundamental feature designed to enhance the social and competitive aspects of gameplay for players, giving them an opportunity to additionally earn rewards while vying to show they are the best Team in TMA. Teams function as clans or guilds, providing a sense of competition, community, and collaboration among players. Each Team is represented on the blockchain and minted on the Ronin Chain and can have either a single owner or shared ownership, allowing for flexible management structures.

Players can join an existing Team using their Ronin wallet or TMA account, facilitating easy and secure integration with our game ecosystem. To expand their Teams and unlock additional features, owners can upgrade their Teams using the TMA token, our in-game currency. This mechanism encourages engagement with the token economy and provides a tangible benefit for holding and using TMA.

One of the key features of Teams is their ability to compete on leaderboards for valuable rewards such as TMA tokens or exclusive NFTs. These rewards are supported from a Team's dedicated treasury, which accumulates tokens through various in-game activities and transactions. This incentivizes Teams to perform well collectively and encourages strategic gameplay and coordination among members.

The ranking of Teams on leaderboards is determined by a combination of factors, including the Matchmaking Rating (MMR) of each member and their individual performance within the current season. Additionally, the total value of assets owned by each member contributes to the Team's overall score, encouraging players to invest in and develop their in-game assets.

Overall, Teams in our game serve as a central hub for social interaction, competition, and collaboration, enriching the player experience and fostering a strong sense of community within our game world.

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