Hero Enhancements with Familiars

Familiar Rarities

Familiars enhance hero capabilities and are currently available in rarities ranging from Common to Epic. Each rarity level increases the strength of a familiar's ability; for example, Common familiars boost a hero's damage by 4%, while Epic familiars provide a 6.4% increase. Plans are underway to introduce Legendary familiars, which will offer an 8% enhancement.

Familiars in Ranked Mode

To maintain competitive integrity in ranked mode, all familiars are automatically adjusted to Legendary rarity. This ensures that all players can compete fairly, allowing them to select any familiar without experiencing a disadvantage due to differing rarity levels.

Familiar Abilities

Initially, familiars possess a set of basic abilities impacting damage, ability cooldown, and health. Future updates will expand these abilities to include increased movement speed, ability damage, and healing. Further enhancements, such as increases to ultimates, critical hit chances, lifesteal, decreased reload times, and increased ammo counts, are planned for later development stages.

Familiars significantly enhance hero capabilities through their various rarities and abilities, and they ensure balanced competition in ranked mode. These enhancements allow for strategic depth and customization, making every battle unique. Keep an eye out for future updates as we expand the range of familiar abilities and introduce new rarities

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