Deathrun Lore

Death Run stands as a critical juncture in the ongoing war between the Paragon resistance and the Dominators. This game mode follows a pivotal moment where Paragon has acquired XE, the first sentient robot crafted by the Dominators specifically to win the war against humanity. Under the skilled hands of Devol and strategic input from Tesla and Devol, XE has been reprogrammed, transforming from a weapon of destruction into a beacon of hope for Paragon and mankind.

NPC Lore


Grunts underscore the Dominators' war philosophy of overwhelming with quantity over quality. As the most basic unit in the Dominators’ army, Grunts are designed from scraps for high expendability, perfect for swarming the battlefield and wearing down enemy defenses. Their presence is a grim reminder of the Dominators' relentless push for dominance.

Shock Troopers

Born from the ingenuity of the Dominators, Shock Troopers are made from mismatched machine parts designed to be both cost-effective and formidable. Characterized by their hunched, predatory stances, these units often lead assaults bolstered by the terrifying presence of an Inquisitor. They come in various forms:

  • Assault Bot: Known for their aggressive postures and relentless barrages, these bots are designed to drive human forces into desperate corners.

  • Flame Turret: Masters of destruction, these units engulf the battlefield in flames, annihilating hope and fortifications alike.

  • Slicer Drone: Agile and deadly, these drones slice through chaos with their razor-sharp appendages, swiftly neutralizing threats.

  • Basher: Small yet impactful, these quick units dart in and out of combat, delivering swift, disorienting strikes.

  • Poisoner: These medium-built troopers use toxins to their advantage, turning stretches of the battlefield into deadly traps.

  • Boomer: Specializing in ranged attacks, their explosive barrages are capable of decimating enemy ranks and sapping morale.

  • Bruiser: The titans among the Shock Troopers, these large bots wield sheer physical might to bulldoze through the most staunch defenses.


Inquisitors are the elite enforcers, driven by a fervent belief in the prophecy of "The One." These human consciousness-infused machines are not only frontline commanders but also ideological enforcers, spreading fear and ensuring the Dominators' decrees are executed flawlessly.

Inquisitors frequently lead Shock Troopers and Grunts, orchestrating complex battlefield tactics that extend beyond mere combat to include psychological warfare, however it is not uncommon to find them alone exercising their power. This strategic deployment underscores the Dominators' adaptability and their relentless pursuit of dominance, making each encounter a test of both player skill and strategic planning.

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