
Filling the Treasury

The treasury in The Machines Arena is initially filled through a slow release of tokens over 48 months, utilizing 30% of the tokens originally allocated. Beyond this initial phase, the treasury is continuously replenished by all tokens spent in the Token Store and those allocated to VIP services.


To cover the operational expenses of the company, 5% of the tokens paid into the treasury (excluding the initial allocation) are designated for running costs. This ensures the game’s smooth operation and continuous development.

Token Lockup

A strategy to ensure the long-term value of the tokens involves locking up 2% of the tokens received from in-game expenditures (excluding the initial token allocation). These tokens enter a rolling lockup, and their future use will be determined through player input, options for which include event releases, funding tournament rewards, or potentially burning the tokens.

Treasury Payouts

The treasury payout system is designed to reward player engagement and success. Following the Token Generation Event (TGE), the treasury will allocate tokens weekly based on players achieving 1,000 Ultimate League Points. Those reaching this milestone receive a share of the token pool, and those with league point reset items may claim multiple shares within a single week. Additionally, plans for a future update include an Asset Treasury where players can earn tokens based on the value of their minted assets, and a Clan Treasury that will distribute tokens based on the assets and league points accrued by clan members.

Treasury Launch

The treasury will officially launch with the first major update post-TGE. Initially, the payout percentage will be kept low to foster market stability and prevent token inflation. Over time, this percentage will gradually increase, as announced, to ensure the treasury can sustain long-term payouts and maintain a healthy surplus.

What Can You Buy With Tokens?

Post-TGE, players can utilize tokens to acquire various items and privileges. These include VIP levels 1 to 4, crate keys for rare and epic crates, random hero shards for unlocking and promoting heroes, hero shard selection boxes, various Metatech items, random enhancers for upgrading hero stats, enhancer selection boxes, and XP books to boost hero experience. These tokens not only serve as a means of transaction within the game but also encourage deeper player involvement by rewarding participation and achievement with valuable in-game assets.

Last updated