Familiar Leveling

This significant update allows familiars to level up, improving their effectiveness. Familiars gain experience through gameplay, with each level increasing their ability impact. For instance, ability effects will increase from 4% at Level 1 to 4.5% at Level 2, with a notable jump to 8% at Level 5. Post Level 5, familiars require specific upgrade items to continue leveling, with the initial release capping at Level 10. Future updates may expand these level caps.

XP Sources

Familiars gain XP through several means:

  • In-match use: Familiars earn XP based on the match length and the player’s performance.

  • Familiar XP Books: These items directly confer XP to a familiar.

  • Familiar Quests: Detailed information on these will be released soon, providing additional avenues for familiar development.

Familiar leveling is a crucial aspect of The Machines Arena, allowing players to strengthen their companions and gain a competitive edge. Through consistent gameplay, XP books, and upcoming familiar quests, players can enhance their familiars' abilities and effectiveness on the battlefield. Future updates will bring even more opportunities for progression and customization, ensuring that familiars remain a vital part of your strategic arsenal.

Last updated