A robot designed as a weapon of mass destruction, Daye's first conscious moment among human prisoners sparked an unyielding compassion towards humanity. Serving as a tank for Paragon, he employs his formidable armament, including a minigun and rocket barrages, to protect those he now considers his kin. Daye's transformation from a mere tool of war into a protector is marked by his strong moral fiber and deep-seated hope for a harmonious future between machines and humans. His hobbies and dreams reflect a 'young at heart' spirit who cherishes human connections and aspires for global harmony.
Role: Tank
Wally. Daye summons a wall to block damage and movement
Rocket Barrage. A barrage of mini-missiles that explode on contact or until they run out of fuel
Ultimate Ability: EMP Burst. Daye overcharges his core causing an EMP burst to explode from him. All enemy players within range take damage and are stunned.
Passive Ability: Slowdown, any enemy hit by Daye's minigun is slowed for a short period
Main Weapon: Minigun. The weapon has a very high rate of fire but low accuracy.
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