Hero Progression

With the upcoming Ultimate League PvP mode, players can level up their Heroes and customize their stats to create unique builds tailored to their preferred play style.

Gaining Experience

Heroes gain experience with every match in the new Ultimate Leagues or by using new XP book items within the Hero Gallery. Experience from matches is based on your score and match length, while XP books come in five sizes. XP books can be obtained as drops after matches, from inside crates, or purchased within the store. As a Hero gains experience, they will level up until they hit the maximum level.

Max Level and Promotion

At first, all Heroes start at level 1, with a maximum level of 5. However, all Heroes can be promoted to increase their maximum level. Each time a Hero is promoted, their maximum level increases by 5, up to a maximum level of 50. The maximum Hero level will be increased with future game updates, and as this happens, the number of Leagues will also increase. In order to promote a Hero, a player needs Hero Shards of the Hero they want to promote and Metatech items of the correct size. Both of these items can be bought with tokens in the token store or acquired from crates. Crate keys can be earned or bought with tokens. Promotion costs follow an alternating pattern of requirements for Hero Shards and Metatech Items.

Upgrading a Hero

All Heroes start with 10 upgrade points, and every time a Hero levels up, they receive 10 upgrade points, for a total of 500 at level 50. Heroes can be upgraded in the Heroes screen, where players can choose which stat to upgrade. Upgrading a stat requires enough Upgrade Points and Enhancers of the correct class and stat type. Each stat has a different Upgrade Point cost, based on that hero's role and gameplay style and the number of times that stat has already been upgraded. For example, it costs fewer points to upgrade the damage stat on Bravo Zulu than on Tesla. Each time a stat is upgraded, it increases the stat by a fixed percentage, and every 5th upgrade results in a double stat upgrade (e.g., +3%, +3%, +3%, +3%, +6%). Each upgrade costs 10 Enhancers of the correct type, plus an additional 5 for every 5 upgrades already completed. For instance, Bravo Zulu upgrading damage for the second time requires 10 Assault Offense Enhancers, while Tesla upgrading health for the seventh time requires 15 Support Defensive Enhancers. Players can upgrade their heroes as they wish. However, stacking a single stat will result in fewer total upgrades. Like Metatech and Hero Shards, Enhancers can be purchased in the token store or acquired from crates.

Resetting Upgrades

Players can choose to reset their upgrades at any point, though there is a cost. The first reset is free, but subsequent resets return 5% fewer Enhancers, down to a cap of 50% returned. This stacking reset penalty is per season to account for balance changes. Players will receive one free reset when the next season starts, and then the costs will apply again.

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