Ultimate League

The Ultimate League represents an upcoming PvP mode in The Machines Arena designed to offer a highly customizable and competitive environment. This mode distinguishes itself from Quickmatch and Ranked PvP by allowing players to compete with heroes that they have personally customized and leveled up through a unique upgrade system.

Joining Ultimate League

To participate in the Ultimate League, players select the mode and then choose the level bracket appropriate for their hero’s current level. Leagues are segmented into brackets of 10 levels each, with League 6 reserved exclusively for max-level heroes (level 50).

Match Experience

Ultimate Leagues provide a dynamic and exciting experience, as each player can customize their hero in unique ways. This creates varied and engaging gameplay compared to Quickplay or Ranked modes.

Experience and Rewards

Every match awards the hero used with experience based on your score and match length. There is also a chance to obtain additional rewards such as Hero Upgrade items or Rare Crates and Keys. The likelihood of receiving rewards increases in higher leagues, but only the winning team has a chance to earn them, emphasizing the importance of competitive play.

League Points

In addition to experience and rewards, players earn League Points for every match played in Ultimate Leagues, with more points awarded for wins. These points can earn players a share of the token treasury.

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