Currency and Items

TMA incorporates a variety of currencies and items that enhance gameplay and provide progression opportunities. This section describes the various currencies within TMA, their functions, and how to earn them.


Players can earn several types of experience in the game. Account XP is a general experience that advances player levels. Hero XP is specific to heroes and is earned primarily in Ultimate Leagues. Weapon XP is gained during Death Run and applies to weapon enhancements, while Ability XP, also exclusive to Death Run, improves hero abilities. Familiar XP, an upcoming feature, will enable familiars to level up.

Other Items

Another type of item that players can earn is a Random Skin Fragment, which can be collected and used for various cosmetic enhancements.


TMA includes several types of in-game currencies, each serving a specific function:

  • Cores (Death Run): Earned based on performance; used for character enhancements. In future updates, Cores will reset seasonally with new balance updates.

  • Credits (Death Run): Accumulated by defeating enemies; spent on upgrades for XE during runs in kiosks.

  • Medals (PvP): These are awarded post-match based on performance and weekly activity and can be redeemable in the Medal Shop for exclusive items.

  • Tokens: Filled by accumulating League Points; spent on various in-game items and VIP


TMA offers a variety of items that players can collect to enhance their gameplay experience:

  • Hero Shards: Promote heroes by increasing their maximum level or unlocking new heroes. Obtained from match rewards and crates.

  • Metatech Items: Essential for hero promotions, available through crates or purchases.

  • Enhancers: Upgrade hero stats, earned as match rewards or found in crates.

  • XP Books: Provide immediate experience boosts to heroes, available from match rewards or crates.

  • Skin Fragments: Earned from matches and crates, can be combined to unlock new skins.

  • Crate Keys: Necessary for opening various themed crates, obtainable from PvP matches or purchased from the store.

  • Item Boxes: Offer a selection of rewards, available from the medal and token stores.

The diverse range of currencies and items in TMA ensures a rich and engaging progression system, allowing players to enhance their gameplay experience and customize their strategies according to their preferences and styles.

Last updated