Earn Loop

Earn Loop Basics

The earn loop for TMA is focussed around the upcoming game mode “Ultimate League”.

Players take their most powerful Heroes into the Ultimate League to earn League Points from each match, with the highest points coming from winning a match in the highest League, League 6. (Winning gives more points than losing)

Earning Tokens

When the player has earned 1,000 points, they can turn it in immediately for a share of tokens from the token treasury. These tokens must be claimed by the player and gas fees paid. The size of the share is based on the treasury size and amount of players.

Once a player has earned a share of tokens, they can use an item called a “Reset Trigger”. A Reset Trigger will reset the 1,000 point target (this does NOT remove excess points) allowing them to work towards earning another share. This means a player can get multiple shares every week as long as they have enough Reset Triggers.

Reset Triggers are purchased from the token store and the amount available is controlled by VIP level.

End of the Week

At the end of a week if a player is still working towards a share, they lose 100 points and the remaining points roll over to the next week (players with VIP lose fewer points). If the player is not working on a token share, excess points are wiped, this is to ensure players claim regularly, not bank until a more profitable time, causing surges in the market.

Weekly League Point Leaderboard

Finally, all of the points you earn during a week (regardless of the number of shares and reset triggers used), are entered into a leaderboard. Your final position on this weekly leaderboard results in an increased drop chance for rare rewards in Ultimate Leagues (up to 5% more).

Spending Tokens

Tokens can be claimed or spent in the token store for hero progression items, rare items and crate keys to have a chance of obtaining limited skins.

Last updated