
Created as an experiment by the Dominators to fulfill the prophecy of "The One," Noble, a skeleton robot with a conscience, retains 30% of Bravo Zulu's memories and skills. This unique blend of human memories within a machine body drives Noble to seek understanding and purpose with Paragon. Equipped with abilities like teleportation and spirit wolf strikes, Noble stands as a poignant figure in the struggle against the Dominators, embodying both the conflict and the potential for peace between humans and machines.

Role: Offense


  • Bear trap. Stuns any hostile player that triggers it. The trap is invisible and cannot be destroyed but expires after a limited time.

  • Teleport strike. Nobel can teleport himself to any accessible area within range. If an enemy is in the teleport area, he will stun them.

Ultimate Ability: Spritwolf strike. Nobel releases a wave of spirit wolves in front of him that attack all within a cone area.

Passive Ability: Reconstruction. Noble's health regenerates while not under attack.

Main Weapon: Force Lane, with a slow rate of fire and infinite ammo. It deals high damage and has a long range.

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