Match Types

Custom Lobby

The lobby allows players to join invited friends and others to play matches together. Matches in the lobby do not affect ranks or player progression, offering a relaxed environment for practice and fun. Players can include bots to play against and can choose from any available game map, ensuring a flexible and customizable gameplay experience.


Ranked queues are for rank climbers who take their matches seriously and seek tough but fair competition. In this mode, players are matched against opponents of equal skill level, ensuring balanced and competitive gameplay. Players are ranked and matched based on their skill, providing a structured and rewarding experience for those aiming to climb the ranks.

Quick Play

Quick Play is designed for casual players who want to jump into a match quickly for fun, test new heroes, game modes, and maps. This mode caters to players of various skill levels, offering a relaxed environment where experimentation and casual play are encouraged.

Ultimate League

The Ultimate League is for players looking for an extra layer of depth and strategy. In this mode, heroes are ranked by levels, making them more powerful in terms of damage, health, and movement. Players can purchase stat increases with tokens, which in turn can increase their VIP level. When finding a match in the Ultimate League, players select the level bracket they want to participate in and can only choose a bracket where they have a hero of the corresponding level.

Hand of God

The Hand of God, or H.O.G., is a unique PvPvE game mode in The Machines Arena. In this mode, two players compete against each other while a third player acts as "God" to impede their progress and try to eliminate them. The game utilizes A.I. to enable the God player to generate multiple levels from a single string input. As the God player, you can drop enemies, set traps, and release poisonous clouds to disrupt the competing players.


Deathrun is the single-player mode where players take control of the hero XE. In this mode, players must navigate through increasingly dangerous rooms filled with unique enemies and environmental hazards. The goal is to survive and progress as far as possible, upgrading XE's abilities and weapons along the way. Deathrun challenges players' reflexes, strategy, and endurance in a relentless test of skill.

Each match type in The Machines Arena offers a distinct experience, tailored to different player preferences and competitive appetites. Whether you’re casually testing new strategies in Quick Play, seeking a fair and challenging environment in Ranked, or engaging in the high-stakes, deeply strategic battles of the Ultimate League, there is a place for everyone in the arena.

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